
Who we are

We are world top fastest-growing affiliate network.

  • We have best CPA offers & We allow and support any countries traffic
  • We eliminate fraud traffic with the help of our Top-notch and immediate data analysis & traffic scorer
  • We have the highest paying offers & Fastest payout monthly and weekly
  • We have expert and best support to make Affiliate and Advertiser profitable. We’re paying monthly. Minimum Payout is $100.

Optimize your success by tracking campaign performance.

Use our proprietary tracking and analytical software to discover patterns that will assist you with optimizing your campaigns.Advanced tracking platform will never miss a commission on your traffic. Generate advanced reports for browser, operating system, sources, and more.

  • Detailed real-time statistics
  • Market-proven fraud detection systems
  • Feature-rich dashboard
  • Automate the work while scaling sales

Always available Dedicated and onBoarding Support to meet requirements

Your dedicated account manager will help maximize earnings, produce better ROI, and provide any other support that you need.

  • Committed affiliate Managers
  • Support team is available 24/7 to assist you whenever you want
  • Our seasoned experts provide guidance on maximizing earnings

Massive database of exclusive and direct offers

High converting campaigns available for the frequent campaign. But one thing promotion only depend on your quality traffics. Because we ensure your demand in such way that you deserve. We have popular and high gravity campaigns to maximize your affiliate earning

  • Optimized for desktop/mobile web, iFrame, API, or SDK integration
  • Our global base of advertisers ensures you maximum revenue, regardless of the country of your users
  • High Paying affiliate programs with customized & landing pages
  • Our smart links boost conversion rates and profits while doing all the hard work for you

Anyone can make money online! see how easy it is

You can conveniently withdraw your money at any time to a bank account or one of the popular online wallets. Your remuneration will be sent as soon as possible without any delay. congratulations, you have received money without leaving home!

  • Bank transfers: Payments can be made through direct transfer from one user's bank account to the recipient's account.
  • Electronic payments: Using online payment services such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or other e-wallets to conduct online and mobile transactions.


Why become a Publisher?

Competitive payouts

We are always looking and adjust the payouts to be over the rest of the industry.

Private programs

Besides the mainstream campaigns and programs, we offer you private affiliate programs.

Accurate reports

Our platform is analyzing your traffic and provides comprehensive performance reports.

Smart redirect

Never miss a conversion! Not eligible visitors are sent to the most profitable alternative.

Developer tools

We are able to provide adaptable real-time tools such as OfferWall, API Feed, S2S Postback, etc.

First-rate support

Our team is working 24/7 to answer and fix any issues for you in no time.


What we do offer

1000+ Active Affiliates

More than 1000+ active and expert affiliates are working with us

Anti-fraud Software

In-house and third party solutions constantly monitor incoming traffic

Dedicated Manager

Our team of skilled Account Managers are there to provide you 24/7 support

WorldWide Traffic

We have SEO, Social, chat, email, website and much more traffic sources world wide

Affiliate Screening

An extensive vetting process makes sure our supply side consists only of professionals

Manual Monitoring

Our staff regularly checks angles and creatives for compliance


Our partners' results

I've been using Kadam for several months. I like it, one of the best advertising platforms I've worked with. The traffic here is of high quality. Especially impressive is the support, the guys help with all questions, even silly ones, patiently and quickly respond.

Anna Kornilova

Ceo & Founder

I've used many networks, but Kadam is one of the most successful experiences. Moderation is quick, and payments are timely. There's a convenient knowledge base with many instructions. Kadam allows me to earn and scale my business.

Sara Wilsson


I'm new to online advertising and chose kadam.net after trying a couple of other networks recommended by friends. I quickly got the hang of all the nuances, thanks to the support and colleagues. The reports are great, and setting up a campaign is easy. Thank you, I like everything.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Happy to work with Algo Affiliates, great friends and smooth operation. I can focus on actual work rather than deal with running after companies and maintaining dozens of logins to affiliate

Matt Brandon


Great network. I have gotten lots of amazing support as an affiliate. Their staff are very friendly and ever ready to help make you successful…Amongst the affiliate networks i have promoted offers for, I can boldy say Algo-Affiliates is the best.

John Larson


100 000+


1 000+


2 BN

Unique users monthly

3 MM

Conversions monthly


Our Hardworking Team

Walter White

Chief Executive Officer

Sarah Jhonson

Product Manager

William Anderson


Amanda Jepson


Contact Us

Fell Free To Say Hello


Contact Us


211 Kinh Duong Vuong, Hoa Minh, Lien Chieu, Da Nang, Viet Nam 550000


+84 975777617

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